Oops forgot 1thing to show... It is not dubstep or anime, but it is still (maybe) cool! So here the pic is:
sunnuntai 1. kesäkuuta 2014
Y U NO PUTTING COMMENTS??!! WHY???!!! K, i am not raging anymore, so ya came for songs and pics did ya? Here you go! Modestep-Saved the World (xKore remix) Pic:
Moar songs! City 17-Ignite It (Toer remix VIP)

lauantai 17. toukokuuta 2014
Now im thinking why the heck i uploaded this pic... xD But still its a nice pic :D YOU ARE WAITING FOR SOME SONGS??? SO HERE YOU GO!!! DatsiK-Firepower (Barron remix):DatsiK-Firepower Next song? Yeah! Omegah-Derp mode activated [BASS BOOSTED]:Omegah-Derp mode activated And next and last song for today: Dj Cafe-Creeper:Dj Cafe-Creeper Hey 1thing before i stop for today! U've seen im supporting these artists? And YouTubers? Bye! Lets see later! ^_^
perjantai 16. toukokuuta 2014
Oh hi!
I just started with this blog, but it is gonna be a good blog!
Today i will show some cool anime pics, as well as some dubstep!
So... Here we go!
I know, those pics are not for little children...
Some kids can haveNIGHTmares good dreams from pics like these... xD Also, here is some dubstep! Konec-Immortal
Then... Next song! Rogue-Exogenesis
So... I am too lazy to write more for this day... So lets see later! Bye!
I just started with this blog, but it is gonna be a good blog!
Today i will show some cool anime pics, as well as some dubstep!
So... Here we go!
I know, those pics are not for little children...
Some kids can have
Then... Next song! Rogue-Exogenesis
So... I am too lazy to write more for this day... So lets see later! Bye!
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